Why You Need To Regularly Clean Your Copper

To get the most healing benefits from copper, it’s best to have pure copper touching the skin.

This is because when copper reacts with the oils and acids on your skin, it releases ‘copper salts’ or chelates. This is often what turns your skin green.

It also helps your body absorb trace amounts of the essential mineral copper and helps keep your blood, joints, skin and many other organs healthy.

This is why at Synergy Healing Tools we do not use a coating on the inside of our copper jewellery, where the jewellery touches your skin.

How To Clean Your Copper Jewellery/Tensor Rings

*Do not use this method on jewellery that contains crystals as it may damage the crystals!*

Method 1:

For pure copper jewellery, you can use vinegar and salt.

What you will need:

  • A small container
  • White vinegar
  • Salt
  • A cloth or new toothbrush to scrub the jewellery
  • Water for rinsing
  • A towel for drying

Here’s how:

  • Fill a small container with vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt and place the jewellery in the solution for 5-10 minutes
  • Remove the jewellery from the solution after 5-10 minutes and gently scrub with a cloth or toothbrush
  • Place jewellery back in the solution for a couple more minutes
  • Remove the jewellery from the solution again and rinse with water
  • Dry the jewellery with a towel
  • Once cleaned, keep the jewellery in a plastic bag or container when you are not wearing it to prevent tarnishing.

Method 2:

For copper jewellery that includes crystals or gemstones, you have to be more careful because the acidity of vinegar can damage your crystals.

Instead, you can use warm soapy water and a cloth or toothbrush to scrub the copper part of the jewellery.

Some crystals can get damaged by water so make sure to look up if your crystal can be in contact with water before doing this method.

You can also use a steel wool to polish the copper parts of the jewellery.

To cleanse the crystal part of the jewellery, you can use palo santo or sage.